Modern Warfare 2 Gets Dual-Wielding


Modern Warfare 2 is adding dual-wielding to its gameplay, though Eternity Ward is straightaway to insure us that just because you can reenact your John the Evangelist Woo fantasies in-gimpy doesn't mean it'll break the game's Balance.

Two-fold-wielding has been roughly for a womb-to-tomb time, but I suppose the thrill of holding deuce gigantic guns at the same time is so ingrained to the joy centers of our violence-craving minds that the thought of it making its debut in a whopping-diagnose shooter is still something to nark least a niggling bit thrilled about. Yep, Modern War 2 will have the cookie-cutter feature every shooter from Counter-Strike (threefold elites!) to Glory 2 has already, Infinity Ward disclosed this weekend.

Though Infinity Ward community of interests manager Robert Bowling wasn't entirely specialised connected how it volition work, information technology appears three-fold-wielding appears in the form of a perk dubbed Crooked, which you can equip or grab off of a dead body.

"I was presenting a singleplayer mission at the GameCrazy establish this morning on stage and happened to walk over a consistence that had Akimbo (twofold wield side limb), therefore the picture for the weapon system popped abreast screen and the room went loving with chants tightened I pick it upward and use it," Bowling wrote in a Wiley Post on the Infinity Hospital ward forums. "So I did."

What a crowd pleaser. The gain vigor "happened to be dual [Defect Eagles]," which suggests that you power start out different weapons to look-alike clenched fist depending on the site. So does that mean you can grab two Alaska-47s and go nuts John Woo style? "Crooked is limited and balanced, just like EVERYTHING in the game," Bowling said. "It's narrow to sidearms, harder to aim than standard and you can't pop off ADS (take fallen sights) since you take a artillery in each hand; Among other balancing techniques, so don't freak out before you ensure it in action."

Yeah, calm down everyone. It's just dual wielding. Yeesh.

[Via IGN]


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